In addition to the main mod, you’ll also need Venue Changes for custom lot types to appear.Since this only unlocks the lot type, it should be safe to have both this and V4 installed at the same time. I have plans to bring back the counsellor at some point, but the NPC stickers will be optional, so custom schools won’t require any CC.
But, that’s not all To spice things up a little bit, the pack includes also introduction days, field trips, daily tasks and even the possibility for your little mischievous Sims to play ‘Hookie’ while. Note: If you’ve used V4, you might notice there’s no object for the counsellor. The mod also includes two venue types: Elementary School and High School, which you can download from the Gallery or create from scratch. It is recommended you place computers and bookshelves close to other activity objects. It is recommended you place objects required for the same subject close to each other, so Sims won’t take too long to route between them. After lunch, Sims will receive goals to perform activities. These are (in order from Monday to Friday): Problem Solving, Health and Fitness, Creative Arts, Environment and Culture and Performing Arts. Tips to ensure players have the best experience: This mod unlocks the “Elementary School” lot type, so you can get started on building your own elementary school now! This version includes a built-in checklist of all the objects, both required and optional. In case you haven’t heard, I’m working on a new version of Go to School, which uses the system for High School Years.